Library Lovers Expedition — February 1 - March 31
Join McHenry Public Library on an epic expedition!
McHenry is the Heart of the Fox River! Receive a Brag Tag when you check in at one of the 15 participating libraries.
View the 2025 LLE Facebook page.
How It Works
Stop in and register at any of the participating McHenry County libraries to receive your Expedition brochure, map, and your first Brag Tag.
Between February 1 and March 31, visit other participating libraries to "check in" and collect a new brag tag. Visit 12 of the 15 libraries to be entered into a drawing for a prize box of your choice (selected at registration). Visit all 15 libraries to be entered into the grand prize box drawing!
Most libraries have a fun activity or craft. Be sure to look around and explore everything each library offers! MPLD will be offering a "Joy Jar" and Waldo Search for adults, as well as an underwater obstacle course and axolotl craft for youth.
Participating Libraries
Algonquin Area Public Library District
Barrington Area Library
Cary Area Public Library
Crystal Lake Public Library
Fox Lake District Library
Fox River Grove Memorial Library
Harvard Diggins Library
Huntley Area Public Library
Johnsburg Public Library
Marengo-Union Library District
McHenry Public Library District
Nippersink Public Library District
River East Public Library
Wauconda Area Public Library
Woodstock Public Library
Use this form to request an individual 45-minute technology appointment with a librarian. To save timeslots for other patrons, please request no more than two (2) appointments per month, including cancellations and rescheduled appointments. Missing two appointments within two months will result in the suspension of this service.
On the day of your appointment, please:
- Have device(s) fully charged
- Bring any passwords, cables, and manuals you may need
This service is not all-inclusive but is meant to help bridge the basic digital divide between a patron and modern technology. Assistance and levels of help may vary. The employee retains the right to deny requests not included in their scope of work or professional expertise at any time. Patron behavior policy applies.
MPLD and its staff are not liable for any damage to patron devices, files, or other components addressed during this appointment.
Books for Babies
Welcome, Little One!
The McHenry Public Library and the Friends of the McHenry Public Library want to welcome your new baby to the world of reading! The library is here to assist you as your child's first teacher in giving your baby a head start in reading.
Research has found that babies who have parents who start sharing books with them early on develop better language skills and curiosity in the world around them. In addition, chlidren develop greater interest in the enjoyment of books and reading when they are introduced to books at an early age.
If you have a McHenry Public Library card, you can come to the Questions Desk and pick up your "Books for Baby" kit today!
The "Books for Baby" kit provides parents and caregivers early literacy tips, reading recommendations and local resources that can help you get your child started on the path of literacy.
Here are some other resources to get you started:
- Babies Need Words Every Day| A booklist for babies separated by themes. Includes books on Diversity, American Sign Language, Concepts, and Daily Routines!
- Best First Books for Babies| A short book list on the best first books for babies.
- Early Literacy Resources for Parents| Find these books and other titles on parenting and child development in the Parent-Teacher Collection!
- Get Ready to Read!| A checklist to determine if your home is literacy-friendly!
- Potty Training Resources| A book list that includes books about potty training to read with your child, parent guides to potty training, and DVDs about potty training.
External links may be used as starting points in your research and are not intended to be exhaustive lists of all available external sites related to these topics. The library does not endorse or profit from these websites and external links are provided for use at your own discretion. For suggestions, comments, or to report broken links, you may contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Mount Prospect and Waukegan Public Libraries are joining our consortium
On October 1, 2024, Mount Prospect Public Library and Waukegan Public Library will be the 30th and 31st libraries to join the consortium. Due to this exciting change, the library will experience some downtime from September 27, 2024 (starting after 5 pm) through Monday, September 30, 2024.
Things to know
Online Catalog
- The online catalog will be available during the downtime that is scheduled, however, the availability of items may differ from what is showing.
- Patrons will not be able to place holds during the downtime. This is also true for the librarians as well.
- Patrons will be able to access their accounts online but will not be able to pay their fines or fees.
- Online registration for new cards will not be available.
- Auto-renewal will be taken into account when items are checked out and projected to be returned during the downtime. More information to come.
Online Databases & Digital Media
- Patrons will still be able to access Libby, hoopla, and Kanopy.
- Patrons will be able to access the Premium Database subscriptions through the library's website (databases that are in-house use only will remain that way).
In the Library
- Patrons will still be able to check out materials during the migration.
- Patrons will not receive digital receipts during this time.
- Materials returned between September 27th-30th will not be checked in until October 1st
- Patrons will not be able to make payments for account charges (i.e. overdue charges, replacement costs)
- The downtime will not affect the library's access to the internet or any of its services except for the ones listed here.
Homeschool Resources
How do you begin homeschooling?
This webpage will provide information on how to begin homeschooling, background information and legal information.
-| If you are new to homeschooling and wondering just what method, style, or process is right for you, this website will help you get started.
- Home Educators Resource Directory| Comprehensive resources for the home educator.
- Homeschool Diner| At the Homeschool Diner you'll find a full menu of articles, curriculum ideas, and links to online resources.
- Illinois Homeschool Association (ILHSA)| Statewide non-denominational site that has very accurate state legal information and one of the best homeschool supplier lists in the state.
- ISBE| The Illinois State Board of Education's webpage on homeschooling, where you will find information on registration, requirements, resources, and more.
- Popcorn and Peanuts: ALL the Illinois Home Education Laws in One Place| This independent site has a wealth of information on everything from starting your homeschooling journey in Illinois to graduation requirements.
- Scholasic Presents 8 steps to Homeschool Success| Find out where to start with a homeschool education. Includes a step-by-step timeline for taking charge.
External links may be used as starting points in your research and are not intended to be exhaustive lists of all available external sites related to these topics. The library does not endorse or profit from these websites and external links are provided for use at your own discretion. For suggestions, comments, or to report broken links, you may contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..