About the Friends
The Friends of the McHenry Public Library is a non-profit (501c3) organization whose members are interested in promoting the value of the library, enriching its resources, and its services. The Friends support the library through volunteer service, fund-raising, and program promotion.
All current and potential members are welcome to attend. Volunteer opportunities include book sales, book sorting, special speakers, children's programs, membership, newsletter/publicity, and special events.
Anyone interested in serving on a Friends committee or volunteering for a Friends project should This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the group.
Officers: Bill Edminster, President; Ethel Huberty, Vice President; Barb Koch, Secretary; Georgann Caputo, Treasurer.
Semi-Annual Book Sales

The Friends only accept cash or checks.
Upcoming Friends Meetings
The Friends board and members generally meet at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of February, June, September, and November in the Library's Meeting Room.
Check the Library's Events Calendar for exact dates/times.
Book Donation Guidelines
While the Friends of the Library appreciate your book, DVD, and CD donations of gently used items, please respect these guidelines.
Donations brought to the Checkout Desk inside the Library are limited to 2 boxes or bags of items weighing at most 10 lbs each. For donations larger than that, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the Friends to arrange a drop-off time.
The Friends don’t accept:
- Magazines
- LP records
- Cassettes
- Encyclopedias
- Textbooks
- Reader's Digest condensed books
The Friends won’t accept items that are in any of the following conditions:
- riped
- stained
- moldy or mildewed
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The Friends host fund-raising events each year, such as used and ongoing book sales. They also help sponsor the annual Summer Reading Program, children's book discussion groups, and movie programs. Their ongoing used book sale area is near the library's Checkout Desk.
Membership Benefits
In addition to the satisfaction of nurturing the library, Friends' members enjoy the chance to contribute to the growth and well-being of our community. It's also an opportunity to have fun and socialize with others who value the library's contributions to our lives.
How to Join the Friends
Click here to download and print a membership form, or pick one up at the library's Checkout Desk and return it with your dues payment. As the membership card indicates, your renewable membership is good for one calendar year.
Funds the Friends raise help the library thrive by purchasing items not covered in the library's regular budget and sponsoring programs and special celebrations. Recent gifts include:
- New public service desks
- Digital monitors for lobby announcements
- Annual movie license
- Inventory security system
- Summer reading incentives
- Sponsorship of children's book discussion groups
The Friends have accomplished a great deal since they were formed many years ago. Please consider joining them in their efforts.